全面升级 看海外权威媒体如何评价一加手机3T

2016-11-25 09:06





    The OnePlus 3T is the best smartphone value you can buy.

——The Verge

    美国知名科技媒体《The Verge》给一加手机3T打出了8.8的高分,这是目前中国智能手机品牌在该媒体上取得的最高分。此前国产手机在《The Verge》上的最高分是8.6分,而获得者正是一加手机3。《The Verge》称一加手机3T是最值得购买的手机。


图:《The Verge》给一加手机3T打出了8.8的高分

    The 3T is a stylish phone and it is one of the few Android devices we would consider ditching iOS for.



    With the 3T, you get the very latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor complemented by 6GB of RAM, making the phone one of the fastest we've tested.

——PC Magazine

    美国著名IT杂志《PC Magazine》称:“一加手机3T搭载满血版高通骁龙821处理器,采用6GB超大内存,是我们测试过最快的手机之一。”

    OnePlus 3T is a better version of the best sleeper Android phone of the year.



    What you get for the money does make the OnePlus 3T one of the best deals you can get for an Android flagship.

——Android Authority

    权威美国媒体《Android Authority》综合电池、屏幕、相机、性能、软件和工业设计等方面,给一加手机3T打出了8.8的高分,并直接推荐用户:“购买安卓旗舰最明智的选择就是一加手机3T。”


图:《Android Authority》给一加手机3T的打分

    If you’re on the lookout for a new phone and are targeting a bargain then the OnePlus 3T looks set to be the best of them all.


全    球知名媒体《Forbes》给出的建议与其他媒体如出一辙:“如果你正在为更换一部新手机而纠结,那么一加手机3T会是你最好的选择。”


